Marilyn Writes

Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall began her career as a journalist with the Wyoming Eagle in Cheyenne. During her 20 year banking career, she wrote extensively for The American Banker, Bank Marketing Magazine, Trust Marketing Magazine, and other major industry publications. The American Bankers Association (ABA) published Barnewall’s Profitable Private Banking: the Complete Blueprint, in 1987. She taught private banking at Colorado University for the ABA and trained private bankers in Singapore.

Tuesday, June 08, 2021



By Marilyn M. Barnewall

Some questions and answers about how to define words are made in good humor – like: Define a liar. Answer: A Democrat whose lips are moving.

Most Democrats don’t see the humor in that. The interesting thing is, Democrats say the same about Republicans with no hint of humor. They say it in all seriousness and think nothing of it.

Arrogance is blind (theirs and ours). We can only see that which our minds conceive and believe. I learned that many years ago while working for W. Clement Stone’s Combined Insurance Company.

Too many of us talk without being understood. We say a word with total assurance that listeners understand because we know what we’re saying... or think we do But the NEW NOW and the abbreviations so popular in text messages have, with no one’s permission or acceptance, changed the meaning of many words. Too, the media has had a very negative impact as they seek to sell narratives (many of them fake) rather than report news.

The following are my personal definitions of some oft used statements and are based on fact and logic, not emotion. Whenever I use these words, you will know precisely what I mean. That, by the way, is one basic meaning of the word “transparency” – a word we hear so often during political discussions. It is access to a clear vision of things.

QUESTION: What is a mistake? How do you know if something is a plan rather than a coincidence or a mistake?

ANSWER: Consistency (which is defined as being in agreement, in harmony, regular, etc.).

When someone says or does something consistently, it’s because what was said or done is a belief or part of a real plan. Consistency or lack of it is rarely “coincidence.” When Joe Biden says he’s for fracking (in front of an audience dependent on oil for their jobs) and then says he opposes fracking (in front of a pro-Green crowd), one of the two statements is untrue. It’s an inconsistency and prevents a clear vision of his meaning. When a person consistently says the same thing, it is because they have a plan. It may be a good plan, it may be a bad plan – but it’s not a lie.

An example of a consistent bad plan is when all members of the media use the same terminology in their reporting. It is not coincidence; it is a plan. It is fulfilling their commitment to a Hate Trump narrative. How many times do we hear everyone from Don Lemon at CNN to Joe Scarborough at MSNBC and everyone in-between at CBS, ABC, NBC, and other broadcasters use the same word when describing an anti-Trump activity about which they report?

Words like “Trump made racist comments at Charlottesville” (which is untrue) or “he supports white supremacist radicals” (which is untrue) or whatever he is doing is “horrifying” or “motivating fear” or “exposes his hatred” are used... over and over again.

The same adjectives and nouns come out of all of their mouths within the same 24-hour “news” cycle. That is an example of a narrative... a story they want you to believe and so they coordinate their words very carefully.

Saying the same words over and over again equates to brainwashing. They want you to absorb the word "racist" (or horrifying or hatred) with the word "Trump". They have been consistent in this effort for almost four years. It is part of their plan. I call it the Charlie McCarthy effect. For those who do not know, Charlie McCarthy was a dummy that sat on the lap of ventriloquist Edgar Bergen, a popular radio show host in the 1940s.

QUESTION: How can any of us know if we are a white supremacist? How can we tell when someone else is a white supremacist?

ANSWER: There are two answers. Possibly three.

FIRST, there are a handful of idiots who believe white people are smarter than people of color. The Asians in American colleges have put a damper on that concept by rising to the top academically. But that doesn’t stop stupid people from their narrative. Donald Trump has, on numerous occasions, denied being a white supremacist. He lifelong behavior patterns support his denial.

You can tell how accurate this concept is by remembering who killed 6 million Jews (few of whom were dark skinned) because he believed in Aryan supremacy. The concept of an Aryan race did not originate with Adolph Hitler. It is a very interesting story that began in the 1500s and you can find it here.

The media uses the words “white supremacist” almost synonymously with “racist”. The two words are quite different.

SECOND: If you live in a country where the population is dominantly white, you are a white supremacist. There are more of you than any other skin color. If you are black and live in Africa, you are a black supremacist because there are more blacks than whites or browns or yellows in Africa. If you live in China, you are a yellow supremacist for the same reason. If you live in Mexico, you are a brown supremacist – same reason. A white person in America is a supremacist because there are more of us than people of color.

Blacks make up about 18 percent of the 2020 population; Hispanics (legal/voters) 15 percent. Whites outnumber blacks and browns and yellows in America and thus control who gets elected to office. That means whites can control who gets elected to make our laws and set (or tries to set) our social standards. The superior number of whites makes all white people supremacists in America.

Is that something to be ashamed of? Is it something over which to destroy American cities? The next time you are called a white supremacist, just pity the person for their ignorance.

QUESTION: What is a racist? Is being a supremacist different from being a racist?

ANSWER: A man named Obama would never have been President of this country if white Americans were racists or supremacists because we make up 65 percent of all voters. If there was ever evidence that America is not a racist nation, the election of Barack Hussein Obama provides it. There are more whites than blacks and if whites were racists he would not have been elected. Since he was elected twice (consistency), it was no “coincidence.”

What is a racist?

A racist or anti-Semite is a bit of a psychopath... a person who lacks the empathy to walk in another’s shoes. Psychopaths have a narrative by which they live that is quite different from the narratives of normal people. All narratives, including those of normal people, are made up of numerous chapters or stories. Racists have a narrative. Their dominant story is that people must think, look and behave in a manner they, the racists, approve of or they are inferior people. Racism is a form of mental illness.

However, real honest-to-God racism is not what we hear described by our media or our politicians.

If you are white, it is okay to dislike someone if they are black. If you dislike them just because they are black, however, it is racist. AND, it is racist for a black person to dislike someone just because they are white. Either attitude is racist.

You either like someone or you don’t but race or skin color should have nothing to do with your likes or dislikes. If it does, you are probably a racist (and racists come in all sizes, from a tiny bit of racism to XXX). To radical blacks who shout at the top of their lungs that only whites can be racists because we are the dominant race in America, I refer them to my comments about white supremacists. You are talking about supremacy, not racism! But racism has a much nastier connotation and so you use it to achieve your ends.

Poverty has more to do with what is sold to the American public as racism than racism does. People tend to overlook the large number of white people who live in poverty. They often behave as if the status of poverty belongs exclusively to non-whites. It does not.

The last two generations of black and white poor children have been taught to believe they are victims, not people with the potential to turn a loser life into success. Who is teaching them such things? Remember my statement in the third paragraph? "We can only see that which our minds conceive and believe." Children taught to be victims will be victims regardless of color.

The teachers who work in minority schools -- especially elementary schools -- are specially trained and are responsible for that belief. The teachers are brainwashed to believe the lie that all black children in poor neighborhoods are lifelong victims. The narrative they have been taught makes teachers think they are being kind to educate the children to the realities of life... and victimhood is one choice any person of any color can make. You can equally choose not to be a victim. You may have to learn to be respectful to others and not wear your pants halfway down your butt, however it's your choice.

The system that not only allows but encourages this kind of indoctrination is at fault for the victimhood mentality that exists in America. It is a huge problem and a horribly racist mentality supports it. It happens to a lot of poor white and black children who attend inferior schools.

If they are shown love and are properly educated, there is not a black child who does not have the same potential to be as productively happy as any white or brown or yellow child. Too many of these children from all races come from single parent homes with mothers of all races. Many of those mothers are on welfare and have not learned self discipline. They have not been taught to respect the authority of other people... like the police. Thus, they cannot teach it to their children.

Anyone who thinks white parents don't have conversations with their kids like: "If you get pulled over by the police, put both of your hands on the steering wheel where they can be seen and do exactly as you are told" lives in a dream world.

QUESTION: What is black lives matter? Who founded it and who runs it? Is its purpose to promote a better life for black people?

In 2017, the co-founders of Black Lives Matter produced a report stating that the three co-founders of Black Lives Matter are avowed Marxists. More easily said: communists. The founders names are Alicia Garza, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, and Opal Tometi. If you take time to read that article, you will clearly see how uneducated Americans are in matters of race.

This is not a here today, gone tomorrow group (which will disappoint a lot of people who wait for the violence to stop so we can go back to yesterday’s woke zone). It is very well financed and is heavily associated with and supports the Democrat Party – which is why blue state Democrat politicians say nothing in opposition to them while their cities burn.

BLM’s primary objective is to promote communism/socialism. It raises huge amounts of money each year from capitalist-hating socialists in Hollywood, New York City, and the usual places committed to tearing down America.

They have no respect for the Constitution, the laws of the nation, law enforcement, are behind the Defund the Police campaign... but don’t yet appear to have yet figured out that without the police to protect them, they probably wouldn’t last long among well-armed conservatives.

The number of white faces who are involved in rioting – not protesting but rioting – and the number of teachers who join them, validate and verify what was said earlier in this article about teachers and young people being brainwashed by the brainwashed.

When you hear people talking about controversial issues, make sure you understand the language being used and what is really being said.

Our language – along with everything else (even our flu bugs)– has been weaponized. When those who use words as a weapon succeed, reality becomes a parody of itself.